一、把材料里的粉类混合加上盐,倒入300毫升水,用擀面杖朝一个方向使劲搅拌,等搅到面糊里的粉粒几乎全跟水融合,用筛过滤,去掉没法搅拌均匀的粉粒The powder material in the mixed with salt, pour 300 ml of water, with a rolling pin in a direction and stirring, etc. to stir the batter powder almost completely mix with water, sieve, remove not stir powder
二、面糊静置半小时(如果可以,请静置一晚上,让面粉与水充分混合),加水150毫升稀释一下,搅拌均匀,得出细腻浓稠如同牛奶般质地的面糊,做凉皮用的面糊就开好了The batter standing for half an hour (if you can, please rest a night, let the flour and water to mix), 150 ml of water dilution, mixing evenly, the delicate thick like milk like texture of the batter, batter on cold noodle do well.
三、热平底锅,刷油,倒入一勺面糊,面糊的量是刚好薄薄平铺平底锅,面糊倒入后请迅速抖动平底锅,让面糊均匀平铺其上Hot pan, brush oil, pour a spoonful of batter, batter is just a thin flat pan, please quickly shake the saucepan into the batter, let the batter evenly on it.
四、加盖等20到30秒左右,直到面糊成形变成半透明状的面皮并在锅里鼓起,准备一只大而平的碟子,把面皮迅速倒在碟子上,注意动作要快,不要把面皮倒成一团With 20 to 30 seconds, until the batter forming translucent dough and swelled in the pot, and prepare a large flat plate, put the dough down quickly in the dish, pay attention to the action to be fast, don't put the dough down into a ball.
五、在倒下来的面皮上薄刷一层生油,然后继续重复做面皮,层叠倒在其上。后把冷却的面皮切成条In the fall the dough thin brush a layer of oil, and then continue to repeat the dough, pour in the stack. The cooling of the dough into strips.
六、按个人口味切点配菜,如黄瓜丝、胡萝卜丝及香菜碎,吃的时候跟面皮面筋加油泼辣子、香蒜水、少许糖、盐、陈醋、稀释的芝麻酱等调料,撒上捣碎的花生米,搅拌均匀即可According to personal taste dishes such as cut-off point, cucumber, carrot and coriander, eating gluten dough with pungent, garlic oil, water, salt, a little sugar vinegar, diluted sesame sauce, sprinkle with crushed peanuts, stir evenly.