话说在汉代景帝年间,岐山县京当村有户人家娶了一个媳妇,聪明伶俐,贤惠能干,针线绣活做得好,厨房内还精于烹调。过门后有,她做了次面条,光滑细薄,用料多样,汤汁 臊子面 浓香,味醇厚鲜美可口。全家食后交口称赞,年幼的小叔子尤其爱吃,经常嚷着、哭闹着要吃嫂子擀的面条。后来,小叔子用功读书,经常是废寝忘食,嫂子看到小叔子的学业天长进,学习十分辛苦,也时常擀面给其补养身体,小叔子学习也就更加用功。有一年,小叔子进京赶考,榜上有名,作了个地方官员,过年时邀请同僚到家里作客,客人吃过他嫂子做的面条,饱餐之余同声夸赞鲜美无比。此后“嫂子面”便出了名,到处传开来,争相仿制品尝。由于“嫂”与“臊”是异字谐音,天长岁月稠,“嫂子面”演变成了“臊子面”,在岐山一直延续至今。每当家里遇到婚、丧、嫁、娶,红白喜事,逢年过节,都用臊子面待客。
Mother in the Shaanxi delicacy sub surface, then you know the smell of the origin?
In the words of Han Dynasty emperor, Beijing Qishan County, when the village households married a daughter-in-law, be clever and sensible, virtuous, needle embroider to live well, but also skilled in cooking in the kitchen. After the door one day, she made a smooth thin noodles, soup, various materials, sub surface aroma, mellow taste delicious. The whole family after eating blown away, young brother-in-law like, often shouting, crying to eat her out of the noodles. Later, his study hard, often sleepless nights, see sister-in-law brother-in-law academic progress every day, learn very hard, often roll to nourishing the body, his learning will work harder. One year, brother-in-law of Beijing, on the list, a local official, the new year invited colleagues at home, his sister-in-law to do the guests eat noodles, very delicious meal than simultaneous praise. Since then, sister-in-law face out of name, spread everywhere, competing imitation tasted. The "sister" and "Sao" is a homonym of Tianchang years, thick, "sister-in-law face" into the "Sao" in Qishan, continues today. When home encounter marriage funerals marry married, weddings and funerals, festivals, with sub surface hospitality.