一、好选择新米,霉变和受到感染的几率较小,口感也比较好陕西面食加盟The best choice of new meters, mildew and bacterial infection probability, also had good taste.
二、大米腹部常有一个不透明的白斑,白斑越大,则大米蛋白质含量越低、淀粉含量越高Rice abdomen often has an opaque white, white rice is greater, the lower the protein content, starch content is high.
三、米粒硬度是由蛋白质的含量决定的,米的硬度越强,蛋白质含量越高,透明度也越好。所以好选择硬度较高的大米Grain hardness is determined by the protein content, the hardness meter is stronger, the higher protein content, better transparency. So the best choice of high hardness of rice.