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发布时间 2018-12-07     发布人: admin     浏览次数:1101

天气渐冷,吃火锅成为市民喜欢的餐饮消费方式。那吃火锅需要注意哪些方面呢?陕妈妈餐饮在这提醒市民一定要做好“选、煮、吃”The weather is getting cold, eating hot pot to become a public favorite food and beverage consumption. What to eat hot pot need to pay attention to what? Mother in Shaanxi Province to remind the public to do this in the election, cooking, eating".

一、选,应选证照齐全、环境整洁、食品安全监督量化等级较高的火锅店。同时要注意观察通风设施,使用煤气或木炭等火锅时,要保持室内空气流通,防止一氧化碳中毒Choose, be complete license, clean environment, food safety supervision and quantitative high grade Hot pot shop. At the same time, we should pay attention to observe the ventilation facilities, the use of gas or charcoal and other hot pot, to maintain indoor air circulation, to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

二、煮,肉类等食材必须充分煮熟煮透。肉片尽量切薄,要慎用海鲜产品、四季豆、野蘑菇、鲜黄花菜等食材,防止食物中毒Cook, meat and other ingredients must be cooked thoroughly cooked. Try to cut thin slices, should be used with caution, Sauteed Green Beans seafood and wild mushrooms, fresh lily and other ingredients, to prevent food poisoning.

三、吃,要生熟分离,避免在桌上摆放过多食物,造成交叉污染;尽量分餐方式就餐,使用公筷、公勺,避免用个人使用的餐具在公用的餐盘中夹取食物或为他人夹菜Eat must be cooked and separation, avoid placing too much food on the table, resulting in cross contamination; try to eat the way to eat, use chopsticks to avoid the use of personal use tableware clip food or food for others in public dishes.

对火锅店的物料也要多关注一下,火锅店要严控“油、肉、料”Hot pot shop material should pay more attention to the hot pot shop to strictly control the oil, meat, material":

一、油,使用预包装食用油,不采购、不使用不合格油脂,使用一次性锅底,规范餐厨废弃油脂处置Oil, the use of pre packaged edible oil, do not purchase, do not use unqualified grease, use one-time pot, standard kitchen waste oil disposal.

二、肉,严格执行肉类及其他原材料的采购索证索票和进货查验有关规定,确保食品原料和食品相关产品来源可追溯Meat, strictly enforce the purchase of meat and other raw materials, and the relevant provisions of the purchase inspection certificate to ensure that food raw materials and food related products traceability.

三、料,加强火锅底料和蘸料的管理,禁止添加罂粟壳、石蜡等非食用物质,规范食品添加剂使用行为To strengthen the management of hot pot bottom material and dip, prohibit the addition of poppy seeds, paraffin and other non edible substances, regulate the use of food additives.
