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发布时间 2019-05-21     发布人: admin     浏览次数:708

1、加点醋煮  当我们煮米饭的时候,按1500克大米加3毫升食醋的比例,往其中加些醋,这样煮出来的米饭不但没有醋味,反而会更加香甜。特别是春夏季节,因为米饭放不久,如果加醋煮出来还能防止米饭变馊。

1, add vinegar boil, when we cook rice, according to 1500 grams of rice plus 3 ml vinegar ratio, to which add some vinegar, so cooked rice not only no vinegar flavor, but will be more sweet. Especially in the spring and summer season, because Steamed Rice put out soon, if cooking with vinegar can prevent Steamed Rice sour.

2、加点啤酒  觉得米饭不好吃,陕西凉皮加盟建议往米中加水的同时,可加入1/4的啤酒,这样做出来的米饭还带着一定的光泽度呢!

2, add some beer, think rice is not good? Add water to the rice at the same time, you can join 1/4 beer, so the rice out of it with a certain degree of gloss?!

3、加一汤匙食用油  陈米煮出来的米饭远不如新米好吃,但只要耍个小聪明,陈米也能煮得和新米一样可口。方法是把米浸泡在清水中1小时,然后加入适量热水和一汤匙食用油,再焖煮8分钟即可。

3, add a tablespoon of edible oil rice cooked Steamed Rice rather than new rice delicious, but as long as playing a little smarter, can cook rice and new rice like coca. The method is to soak the rice in the water for 1 hours, then add the right amount of hot water and a tablespoon of cooking oil, and then stew for 8 minutes.